unmarked lane

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New Member
I was recently in an accident. It was leaving a shopping plaza. There were to lanes one of which was marked left turn (did not say only) the other unmarked. We were both pulling out on a green light I in the unmarked her in the marked. She had pulled out wide into the right lane not staying in the left and hit my rear tire well.
Question is who is at fault her because of turning wide or turning in a lane that is not marked. I would think the unmarked lane would allow for left straight or right turns.
If the collison occurred in the private lot then it may not matter. The normal rules of the road may not apply. It would have to be sorted out by insurance companies.

Otherwise, if someone left their lane and caused a collision they would be at fault. However, if you were in an unmarked lane that is not intended to be a traffic lane, but perhaps a wide shoulder, then you could be at fault. Perhaps the sign is directing ALL traffic to turn right?
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It did happen in a private shopping plaza divided by two lanes (painted division lane). One of which did have the left arrow the other had no marking at all or any sign saying you could turn left or that you could not turn left. The road which we were turning is also a double lane road.A restaurant was directly across into another parking lot which you could go straight into.

I'm just iffy if I should appeal any decision if it was to go against me if it is not worth the money to appeal.
First off; if you have not already done so, report the accident to your ins. co. & then go from there. See what the ins. companies decide. The ins. companies will have all information & make a decision based on it. I'm not sure in this case that any decision would be worth an appeal.
It did happen in a private shopping plaza divided by two lanes (painted division lane). One of which did have the left arrow the other had no marking at all or any sign saying you could turn left or that you could not turn left. The road which we were turning is also a double lane road.A restaurant was directly across into another parking lot which you could go straight into.

I'm just iffy if I should appeal any decision if it was to go against me if it is not worth the money to appeal.

No need to speculate or worry over things that have not yet materialized.

Wait until all is known.
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