Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication unlawful distribution

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New Member
i need to know my rights to the law about illeal searches no warrant produce for an arreat, and also can a drug user who is on pbation in another state and currently using drugs create another felony while work as an confidential informant does that make her credibility anygood for testifying
i need to know my rights to the law about illeal searches no warrant produce for an arreat,
Too broad a question to answer. Either try Google with the terms you need, or narrow down your request by state and by circumstances.

If you believe a search was conducted improperly, your attorney can make a motion to dismiss.

and also can a drug user who is on pbation in another state and currently using drugs create another felony while work as an confidential informant does that make her credibility anygood for testifying
Can they work as informant? Sure. Is their credibility questionable? Sure.

This is something your attorney will have to evaluate.

- Carl
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