unemployment compensation issue

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New Member
I worked for a municipality in Ohio, waste water, street dept.
pay was $9 per hr., next to the waste water plant is a business. I was observed removing scrap metal from that business, moving it on to municipality property,(waste water plant). I was arrested on waste water property.
after going through the courts I was charged with misdemeanor theft, and trespassing. I was discharged from my job right after the arrest(the next day)
and received a reg. letter from Mayor putting me on unpaid administrative leave.
This was before any court appearance. The incident took place in Sept 2008.
After not being able to find a job I applied for unemployment comp. in April 2009.
I was disallowed the initial claim for failing to have the required number of weeks or wages exceeding $210 per wk., I have documentation, being old pay stubs, that prove the contrary. I filed an appeal and submitted the evidence of employment. I was then informed via e-mail that there might be an eligibility issue, as I had entered on my initial appl. that I was no longer employed due to Mutual Agreement. I am assuming that the employer was contacted for info. I filed for the 2 proceeding weeks, being denied, which I appealed. Recently I received a redetermination from The Agency that my discharge was unjustified citing Ohio Law. provisions of sections 4141.28 (D)
and (E). I received 1 weeks comp. by direct dep., a few days after that I received another e-mail disallowing my next claim for insufficient weeks worked, stating nothing about the discharge issue, and citing the same provisions as the approval redetermination, I have docu. of proper # of weeks. On the redetermination that found in my favor a different base period was used than the one used in the determination of my claim being disallowed. In the redetermination of approval it is stated that weekly benefit amount would be $200, dependency class is A1, and total benefits payable is $5,200. I have to continue on new thread to ask questions.
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