Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Underage Possession of Alcohol

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New Member
20, male, white. I will be 21 in less than two months.

Hello. I was pulled over for a broken headlight, the officer noticed two closed containers of beer in the backseat of my car. I told him I did not know it was there, and that it wasn't mine. They searched my car at my OK, took the beer, and my ID information. My passenger gave them his birth date (also 20 years old), his name, address. I blew a .01 (under the legal limit for DUI). I have an underage possession, consumption, transportation of alcohol charge. I'm going to court soon.

I'm pretty sure the law states that one can not "knowingly or intentionally" transport or possess alcohol.

I intend to represent myself (cannot afford a lawyer).

What should I do? I do not want to put the blame on my passenger if he will get in trouble for it, but if I claimed it was his alcohol would I be found innocent? They failed to take his Social Security Number and did not check his ID, since he did not have any.

How should I present my case to the judge? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I do not want to lose my license over this matter.

Also I feel as though I was profiled, should this be mentioned in court?

Would pleading guilty help me out? I pleaded Not Guilty on the charge that was mailed in.

Thank you,

You were profiled? Where are you located.

In Michigan, blowing a .01, as it is so low, isn't considered consumption.

You should still ask for a public defender at arraignment, if that is possible.

Your question about your friend is a tricky one, but early on it isn't about convincing a Judge, it is about negotiating with the prosecutor.
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