Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Underage drinking

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New Member
I had to go pick my daughter up last night from a local police dept in Ohio. She had consumed a beer at a party, in which the police were called for underage drinking, and needless to daughter is getting a citation sent in the mail. She is 15 years old. I'm just curious as to what the possible fines or punishment could be, and if she should ask for a deferred penalty or not? She wasn't drunk, and she wasn't put in jail, and seemed to be very cooperative with the police as well.. Any information given would be helpful.
Yes, many states allow for deferred sentencing in these cases. She might have to pay a small fine, do some community service, write an essay on the perils of underage drinking, get a lecture from the judge, or all of the above. More than likely, dealing with you and mom will be more difficult for her. All in all, nothing much to worry over!

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Yes there is panlaty for it.


Yes you have to pay for this means there is law i.e there will be Loss of license for 1 month or $100 fine if unlicensed.

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