Two social writing sites archive don't allow deletetion of content

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New Member
I belonged as a member as have many others upset and hurt by two social writing media sites for a small payment but we are still owners of content posted.

Who kept promising the continue and improve the site. Some got paid others never got paid fully and many still have content on the site that we can see it sort of but cannot remove it.

Some of us could not take the content down completely due to illness, health reasons and deaths in the family we do have a life offline. 30 days or even 60 is not enough 90 maybe.

At no time did any member ever agree to the new company's to have all rights to our original content, photos, videos or written posts. To me this is blatant theft on both.

there is a pending Move on petition to sue them at this time. Some are considering doing the same about the other. I have addresses and contact for both. I want my stories returned and photos of my deceased four year old grandson so does my daughter want her's and many others feel the same way there is emotional and mental anquish and more due to these sites stealing or not allowing adequate access to remove our items or return them fully and compensate us for them. 1 has it where people can access and copy the posts that are written by anyone wanting to do so but no way for us as owner content to remove and delete them.

This is getting to be a problem for online writers and photographer's and videographers when a company sells or closes but barely gives warning and access or ability to retrieve our delete the content we legitmately own. Thanks

Don't use proper names, don't post web addresses to criticize, assign blame, or in any way accuse any person, place, or thing on our site. We don't encourage or condone libel lawsuits.
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You'll have to contact an attorney. Legitimate attorneys do not troll message boards looking for clients.
Actually this is a serious problem. If the content is legally owned by the authors, why not file a DMCA takedown notice and have all of it taken down? If this is some type of mass movement it may also make sense to first send a demand letter via certified mail and demand to the company as well as an email too. That is something you'll need to do before suing anyone anyway.

I'm not sure I understand it all completely but I'm guessing it's one of those agreements that isn't in a signed writing? If so, it can get messy, although the new company will have issues if they cannot prove that the content they have was legally acquired. I'm not sure who is advising the group but they should look into DMCA takedown notices, where representations of ownership are made under penalty of perjury. Here is a sample DMCA Notice if you want to see what one looks like. Sorry to hear about the predicament.
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