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New Member
Accident, got ticket but not my fault. I T-boned other car, but I had the green light. Only reason I got ticket was because police said she had a witness. Witness is a co-worker of other driver. They are not being honest. I had the green light and was on the main road, she was on a side road and came across my road too late for me to avoid accident. I suffered some injury and am out financially because my car was totalled. Can I fight this? Do I need an attorney to do so?
You say you had a green light ... apparently they also say THEY had the green light ... this makes it tough.

Given the fact that you broadsided the other vehicle, the implication is that the other vehicle had the lane and that you should have seen that vehicle coming ... this is not always true, but with a proper investigation the possibilities may be narrowed but can never be proven.

With an attorney it is very possible that you can establish some measure of reasonable doubt to let you off of the citation. However, the insurance companies are going to be less concerned with the police report and citation and will make their own evaluation of fault - possibly shared.

Consult that attorney.

- Carl
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