Trying to have biological father sign over rights

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New Member
Here is my story and why I want the biological father to sign over his rights. I was with this guy for 7 months, we did not plain on having kids. During the relationship we moved into an apartment together. He said that he was going to get a job and pay the bills and i agreed that i was going to do the same thing, well i finially found a job(part time). Well every day he would get up and lay on the couch and watch tv, do drugs and not worry about finding a job, well i was the one working, cooking, cleaning, i was doing everything. I was not able to have friends come over and i wasnt able to go anywhere as far as he was consurned he was the only one that could have friends come over, i could not talk on the phone but he could and to anyone he wanted. Well one night we got into an aguement and i was trying to call my mom to come get me cause he was being abusive, well he ended up ripping the phone out of the way saying that if i left he was going to kill himself. well i stayed(stupid). After that he pawned a neckles that my mom gave me, dvd player, video games and all my stuff to buy pills and weed. Well we ended up losign our apartment so we moved in with my mom for a while, well he still didnt get a job, at this time i was in school and working. well after a while he started getting abusive so i told him that i didnt want to be with him anymore, and that he needed to go, well he ended up moving to Oklahoma with a 16 year old girl that still lives with her mom, (this man is 29 years old). well the day after he left i found out that i was 6 1/2 weeks pregnant, well he called for the first 2 months that he knew i was pregnant, never asked how i was doing never asked about the baby, nothing,the times that he did call he always started agruments with me and telling me that he is going to sign his rights over and all this b.s. well then he suposeably got married to this girl, well now he has changed his number, hasnt called, sent a letter nothing, he knows my number and my adress, well i started seeing this guy, he was here threw my whole pregnance, now my son is here and he is almost 3 months old, his biological father new his due date and everything and still to this day he has not called. well now i am married and my husband is my sons daddy, he knows no one else as daddy, My husband is wanted to take over rights over my son and adopted him. I want to know how to go about finding the biological father and how to go about having him sigh over he rights, If there is anyone that knows how please let me know.. Thanks :confused:
I read your above post and commented on your other. You need to see an adoption attorney asap. If both bio father and mother agree, and your husband is willing to adopt, then you can have rights terminated. If he has been a total deadbeat and does not support child and has little parent child relationship a judge might approve it anyways. You need to see a family law attorney asap.
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