trying to get custody


New Member
My sister is very unstable, she has 3 kids and is in relationship after relationship she always seems to put the men before than her kids, she doesn't respect herself as a woman nor mother, has intercourse while her kids can hear what's going on, doesn't feed them because she is so caught up in trying to satisfy the men in her life, she doesn't seem to take care of them at all wont even take them to hospital when they are sick, i need to know if there is anything i can do to try to get custody of them without her consent i know she wont allow it but it breaks my hurt when i see the kids suffering the way they are...
My sister is very unstable, she has 3 kids and is in relationship after relationship she always seems to put the men before than her kids, she doesn't respect herself as a woman nor mother, has intercourse while her kids can hear what's going on, doesn't feed them because she is so caught up in trying to satisfy the men in her life, she doesn't seem to take care of them at all wont even take them to hospital when they are sick, i need to know if there is anything i can do to try to get custody of them without her consent i know she wont allow it but it breaks my hurt when i see the kids suffering the way they are...

Well, a few home truths.

She doesn't have to explain her private life to anyone. Parents have sex. That really is all there is to it.

She also doesn't need to explain her parenting to you or anyone else.

Doesn't feed them? So you've called child services, yes? To prove starvation?
If the children are being abused in any way, then you report it to CPS. They will handle.