traffic ticket advice(autoimmune disorder)

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New Member
I have an auto-immune disorder/condition known as Crohn's disease and therefore am susceptible to untimely flareups. This led to me receiving some rather unfortunate citations today as I was five minutes away from where I live and the clock was ticking hard for me to get to the bathroom. MSP pulled me over as I placed my hands in plain view at 10 and 2 on the wheel. The trooper introduced himself and informed me that we were being recorded in audio/video and then stated that I was doing "about 90" in a 65mph zone. This was coming off of an on-ramp as I passed some cars in the open but merging lane in the process. I calmly explained my situation to the trooper and he walked back to his car. I sat there for 5-7 minutes praying that I didn't have an accident in my own vehicle. He came back and I was issued TA-21-801.1 exceeding maximum speed 91mph($290) and TA-21-901.1(b)negligent driving($140). No radar as far as I can see was used as the radar operator section is blank and no signature was requested from me(visual comparison ID checked). The officer was firm but respectful and I understood his disposition in giving me these tickets. I spoke to him in a respectful manner as well. I haven't had any citations in a few years but I do have a 5point ticket and some other traffic offenses in my history which doesn't fare well for me. I'm thinking a public defender or private lawyer(if I can afford it) is in order. I am 30yrs old, gainfully employed and I am a straight A college student. I'm also thinking I should provide some medical history when I appear in court. Your advice on what my next steps should be are greatly appreciated.
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I would arrange to prove your condition (I'm familiar with it) and claim a medical emergency that would make your breaking of the law "justified." He couldn't just not write you because anyone could claim that, but if you take that to court you might just win.
Traffic school is a very good tool.
Traffic school is cool.
Traffic school will review driving rules.
Traffic school will help you lose,
Those traffic court blues.
This might come as some very good news,
Traffic school is for everyone to use.
Traffic school will lower the fine,
And you can even take it in your home online!
If nature makes an urgent call,
You need only walk down the hall!
When the course you've completed,
The traffic ticket will have been defeated.
You'll be happy when you get the citation dismissed,
Its so easy, and no one gets dissed.
Spend a few hours learning some neat stuff,
Trust me, it ain't that tough.
You're thinking what's the punch,
For less than $20.00 that ain't a big bunch.
Below you will find some websites you can use,
To end your problem you only have to choose!
Thank you for the responses. I have taken a traffic school class in the past with my previous big offense but if it's beneficial for me to do it again, I will gladly re-take it.
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