Towing Company Negligence

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New Member
The basic issue is the liability of a towing company for the vehicles it takes custody of. ( I don't see the spot for indicating my area but I am in Chattanooga, Tennessee).

I was involved in a car wreck and had my vehicle towed by a company that a family friend recommended. After calling this company they informed me that they were using another company to take vehicles to their lot. Because it was late and I didn't know any other local companies I agreed to the tow. Everything was fine with the tow itself but the lot that my vehicle was stored at was burglarized (the thief broke into the tow office and stole keys then stole valuables from several vehicles including mine). The lot had a fenced off portion with barbed wire and security cameras but my vehicle was instead parked out front in plain view where there were no cameras covering it. Not only were some of my belongings stolen but my car key was stolen and I was not made aware of this fact for several days after the incident (the owner claimed that they had misplaced my key and then did not return my calls after the receptionist said she thought they were stolen).

As a precaution I had my mechanic change the computer code on my ignition so the old keys would not start the car (this cost $100). Several days later I went out to my car and found that my satellite radio had been ripped out and my interior rifled through. The thief had my car key and had come to my home to try and steal the car but was foiled by the computer change. However, the theft and general feeling of insecurity led me to spring for all new door and trunk cylinders which cost an additional $800. My basic question is, can I sue either the towing company which placed my vehicle outside the fenced off portion or the company who owns the lot for the cost of my lock/ignition changes? If they had either had the building better secured or secured my car more thoroughly my car likely would not have been burglarized.
Sue everybody; let the court sort it out.
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