To sue or not to sue...

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New Member
I have been faced with a serious dilemma caused by a coworkers misinformation and lies. He is my lead, though not my supervisor, whom I have gone to with this situation. This lead, as I will call him, brought untrue information to a higher supervisor resulting in my being laid-off by my company's "getting rid of the bad apples" stage. He has verbally abused me with name calling, telling me I do less than great work, when I do better and more work than most people in the mill, and also rudely bossing me around when I am already doing the task he is bossing me for. My supervisor has had no problems or complaints with my work or my conduct or ability to perform. (I was prior military) The lead, has been there 1 month, where as I have been there 5 months. He not only harassed me but another worker that started when I did. The lead has gone above the supervisor to his higher supervisors to portray me in a way that I am not, so as to make me look as though I am a bad worker. I feel I was unfairly laid-off when I bust my hump to do a great job, get the products in on time, and when there are other people that work there that they "want to fire" because they are unsafe, and yet they weren't laid off...I was because of the slanderous things this man has said about me. It has stressed me out, left me with no job, and no money to support my family. This situation has caused an uproar in my mill and caused many people to back me and try and get me my job back, but even still I don't know who I can trust and whether it will help. There seems to be no explanation as to why my lead has done this, other than that I (as well as others) have confronted him on his inability to lead, rudely bossing people around, and his complete disregard for our companies policies. All I want is my job back, but do I have enough grounds to sue him for the damage he has caused.

Nophun in Washington
Do you have a contract with your employer?
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