Ticketed for never obtaining a drivers license

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What typically happens for a ticket like this. What's is the best defense

Your best advice comes from your attorney.

You plead not guilty, admit to nothing, and simply ask the court to appoint a public defender (if one is permitted under this violation); otherwise you can hire a lawyer at your expense.

Your lawyer is the only one you should speak to about any of this.

The worst that I've seen happen in cases similar to yours in states (NOT UTAH) in the south and midwest is a very stiff fine, and no one I know got jail time for never obtaining a license.

Many of the cases had other aspects, like DUI, or habitually being cited for driving without a license, or the people had been suspended or revoked in other states. Those peopel did get jail (4 to 9 months), and a couple went to prison for the other stuff.

You can Google the exact citation terms and law under which you were cited for more information.
Or, look it up on the court's website.
The best defense is to prove that you actually were licensed.
It could be prosecuted as a misdemeanor, but some locations treat a first offense as a simple infraction. You should expect to pay fines and to risk having your car towed if you continue driving unlicensed.
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