Consumer Law, Warranties Ticket Refund

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New Member
Hello All,

I purchased a ticket with Thai Airways from Phuket to Bangkok. I wanted to change the ticket to the day before. They said there were terms on the actual ticket, which I did not have at the time of purchase, that said the ticket was unrefundable and non-transferrable.

I then looked on their web site and they said under the refund and changes tab that i had to contact a customer service person to change it. There was nothing about no refunds and no transfers.

I was wondering, as they have not offered me a service or anything and I cannot sell on my ticket due to the fact that when I pick up the ticket I have to show the exact credit card that the ticket was purchased with, if I can in any way get a refund on the ticket.

Thank you people this help is much appreciated!
You need to read the policy.........You can't get it your way. Must of the time, these guys are smart and make you accept the terms somewhere before buying the ticket. Only the policy is valid now and should guide you on what you can do.
Welcome to the wonderful world of commercial airlines.
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