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I am a women married to a women and we have 2 kids together. One of which she had before our marriage the other we had together. Now stop has sadly gotten bad between us I'm looking at getting divorced. With that being said she has threatened to have me removed from our daughters birth certificate. Does any one know how this is done or what I'm need to be looking at to fight such a thing?
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I am married to a women and we have 2 kids together. One of which she had before our marriage the other we had together. Now stop has sadly gotten bad between us I'm looking at getting divorced. With that being said she has threatened to have me removed from our daughters birth certificate. Does any one know how this is done or what I'm need to be looking at to fight such a thing?

She might just be angry, so she said something hurtful.
Or, you might not be the biological father.
She may have cheated, and she may be singling that to you by her remarks.
She could request a paternity test, so could you.
Then she'd have to go to court to have your name removed.
However, if you we're married when the chid was born, you are the putative father. So, you could fight it, unless the bio-dad appeared and desired to have ha name on the birth record.

You have a looming tornado in your life.
I suggest you discs the entire matter with a couple divorce attorneys.
That way you can receive EXACT answers to your question.

Frankly, if I were in your shoes, a divorce wouldn't look so bad.
Thank you for your in put we are both women so the law from what I have researched is very unclear. The donor was just that a donor we planned everything. No I wouldn't be suprised if she is cheating on me now lol. But my real concern is with my daughter. It's very unclear how that works with us being married lesbian parents.
Thank you for your in put we are both women so the law from what I have researched is very unclear. The donor was just that a donor we planned everything. No I wouldn't be suprised if she is cheating on me now lol. But my real concern is with my daughter. It's very unclear how that works with us being married lesbian parents.

Well, that gets very complicated.
In many states, the recording of birth certificates hasn't been updated to coincide with marriage for all.
I'm guessing you'll need a lawyer, maybe a law firm.
It won't cost you anything to talk to a couple or three.
The initial consultation is normally given at no charge.
It's a great way to gain insight about your issues.
Are you both the legal parents of the children? Meaning the one of you who did not give birth legally adopted the kids? If so, they are yours. Period. Your gender makes no difference. If you have not adopted the children, then it does get a bit murkier, especially with your step daughter. Do you have any sort of written agreement or contract regarding the children? This is one of those situations that really would benefit from a sit down with a lawyer as there are a bunch of variables.