Threatening Phone Call

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New Member
I received ANOTHER contact from a female in an ex-acquaintance's life. In the past four years, there have been multiple females that have contacted me via email, im, cell phone text or voice messages supposedly on behalf of the ex.

Yesterday I received a text message from the ex-acquaintance's phone number. I realize there are computer softwares that you can enter your phone number so I wasn't for sure IF he sent the message or not. The message was "This is his wife you need to STOP this is stalking." I responded to the text message that obviously this message was sent to me in error. Wife? Stalking?

Another text message came in "Yes this is joeys wife"

I then telephoned him received his voice mail and left a message that I had received YET ANOTHER text message from him or someone claiming to be his wife and I thought the message may be in error. While I was leaving the message the female using his phone number called my voice mail and left a message saying "HELLO, THIS IS JOEY'S WIFE, WE ARE TIRED OF RECEIVING YOUR TEXT MESSAGES. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE IN BV I HAVE FAMILY IN LEXINGTON AS WELL IT WOULD BE IN YOUR BEST INTEREST TO CEASE ALL COMMUNICATIONS WE HAVE RESEARCHED AND FOUND THAT WE CAN BRING YOU UP ON STALKING CHARGES."

I called his number back and a female answered his phone saying she was his wife (He turned out to be a player and has had more than one female contact me saying the same thing to me) and she told me that she has seen a photo of me, she knows where I live and she knows my name. She also has family in lexington and she will be contacting the sherriffs office in my town - she named my town.

I am needless to say concerned. I do not know if this is just another game of his OR WHAT .. I won't even speculate. I am currently on Social Security Disability for chronic pain and had a complete abdominal hyster SO my nerves and hormones are not good right now.

I don't know IF there is anything I can do to stop this OR if I should just ignore it. Please advise.
I forgot temporarily to take my own advice which is LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE. As long as I keep my evidence and CMOB (Cover My Own Butt) then I shouldn't waste any precious time on what others do or say. Please disregard my moment of insanity. Have an awesome day!
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