Theft of property from my brother's estate

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My brother died in 1/2000. At the time of his death he had a home in which he had several friends living with him from time to time, including a female and her 2 children for several years. I know there was no relationship involved as he told me in 7/1999 that he had wanted a relationship but that she refused and they agreed to be friends. At the funeral home, as the undertaker was passing my brother's personal belongings that he had on him (his wallet, glasses, etc.) across the desk to my mother, this female started to reach for them. My Mom looked at her and the female told my Mom that she intended on filing as his common-law wife as they had lived together for so long (we presume it was because my brother was military and she wanted the benefits of a widow). My Mom informed her that along with his property and any benefits goes his debt at which time the female changed her mind and did not pursue the issue.

About a week after his death my father and other brother were able to go to his house to retrieve his personal belongings so my sister and I (who both lived out of state) and our mother could go through them. It was noticed at that time certain items were missing but we did not have any kind of proof that anyone had taken anything.

About a year ago it was discovered that this female had made an online search for my brother's daughter who was given up for adoption YEARS before she ever met him and made an online grave memorial. I contacted her through the grave memorial asking her what interest she had in contacting his daughter and asking about certain items. She denied having anything.

I was recently doing some genealogy research and discovered that the female had included my brother in her family tree, with a comment posted 12/30/2011 wherein she asks his daughter to contact her as she has "things of his that I am saving for you."

In our opinion, this woman has no right or place to have anything of my brother's and anything she does have is stolen property. Do we have any kind of recourse to demand the return of these items or has the statute of limitations expired?
It's been 13 years, going on 14. Unless you can prove FRAUD, your remedy may have eluded you; assuming you had a remedy.

I suggest you contact an attorney in the county where your brother resided.

At least you'll get a better understanding of where you stand and why.

Normally the initial consultation is free of charge or obligation.
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