the dealer hasnt paid off my trade in and isnt answering my calls so i put it off its been a year


New Member
New Jersey
so i purchased a vehicle from a dealer a year ago i traded in my car for 3,000 with 8,000 left to pay off my car so I financed with ally financial through the dealer adding in the difference to the loan. They never paid off the car and they stopped answering my calls im not entirely sure if they are even in business anymore is theyre time constraints to this issue. I am still paying both vehicles and I don't even have possession of my trade in but my bank still has the title
If they were going to pay off the other car then the balance wouldn't of been added. You need to really look over the paperwork that you received.
You can always just go to the dealership to work things out.
As above, there may be something in the contracts you don't understand.
DisabledVet that is not correct. If they were going to payoff the car then the balance would be added. Call the state dealer licensing division to find out if they are still in business and to file a complaint. If they are out of business I'm not sure what you will do, but you should not be paying for that vehicle. You need to contact the bank where that vehicle is financed and provide them copies of your paperwork showing that you traded the vehicle.