Test Posting

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Yep - I can edit.

Nope - I can't delete my own post.
Can I report? The button is there.

Edit: Yes, I can report.
Honestly, I'm fine without the delete button...edit and report are much more important, IMO.
Button, button, who got them buttons?

Button, button, who's got the button is a game of ingenuity where players form a circle with their hands out, palms together.

One player, called the leader or 'it', takes an object such as a button (a coin, a marble, etc...) and goes around the circle, putting their hands in everybody else's hands one by one.

In one players hand the button is placed, though the players continue to put their hands in the others' so that no one knows where the button is except for the giver and receiver.

The leader, or all the players in the circle, say(s) "Button, button, who's got the button?" and then each player in the circle takes a guess.

The players respond with their choice, e.g. "Bumpkissessa has the button!"

Once the player with the button is finally revealed, that player becomes the leader and distributes the button to start a new round.

There are other variations of this ANCIENT (as in BC) children's game.

When I was a young lad, we played "harmless" social games.


Button, button, who's got the button? | Wikiwand
Button, button, who's got the button is a game of ingenuity where players form a circle with their hands out, palms together.

One player, called the leader or 'it', takes an object such as a button (a coin, a marble, etc...) and goes around the circle, putting their hands in everybody else's hands one by one.

In one players hand the button is placed, though the players continue to put their hands in the others' so that no one knows where the button is except for the giver and receiver.

The leader, or all the players in the circle, say(s) "Button, button, who's got the button?" and then each player in the circle takes a guess.

The players respond with their choice, e.g. "Bumpkissessa has the button!"

Once the player with the button is finally revealed, that player becomes the leader and distributes the button to start a new round.

There are other variations of this ANCIENT (as in BC) children's game.

When I was a young lad, we played "harmless" social games.

huh. Never heard of that game. When I was a kid we played harmless games as well. Except Dodge Ball. Some poor kid always ended up with a black-eye or bloody nose playing that vicious game.


Button, button, who's got the button? | Wikiwand
The delete button is history. There have been times when posters delete their posts after several responses. Those of you who contribute to other sites have seen it a lot and some of you have even complained about it.

The moderators can delete so just report a post if it's a duplicate, necropost, or egregious behavior and we'll take care of it.
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