I went out of the country for my job with guarantees that were in place. After arriving to where I was supposed to be I found out the guarantees were in fact not there. I was supposed to work there for 9 and 1/2 weeks only to be sent home after 11 days because the job fell through. Before leaving the country my employer gave me an advance in pay because they postponed my trip for 4 weeks. We had a contract stating it would be paid back while working overseas over the 9 weeks I was supposed to be there. After returning home my employee held my last paycheck and after I questioned it he said it was because of the advance but the advance was to only be paid back while working over seas. And I also was told my employment was being terminated and was not told why. I had good standings with this company, no complaints or problems have ever arose so I'm not sure why they have terminated me. My question is do I have any legal grounds to do anything about this?