Breaking a Lease Tenant walked out of lease and abandoned property

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New Member
I've been researching this all morning and find different variations to this answer. If a tenant walks out on the lease and abandons the property, how can I make sure that it shows up on his credit report (since I doubt I'll actually get money from him). I eventually found new tenants, but it took about 2 months. Plus, I had to do a lot of work to get the home ready for new tenants (cleaning, repairs, etc). Please share any and all information you have to offer, it is most appreciated!!
Why bother wasting your time trying to ding a deadbeat's credit? What do you receive by doing that? NOTHING.

Besides, I'm sure a deadbeat already has crappy credit and a dinky credit score. Do yourself a favor, and et it go.

If you insist, you simply report to each bureau that he abandoned the property and left you holding the tab for $2,000; $3,000; some thousand dollars.
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