Teen Trouble

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I live in New York State, is there anything I can do if an adult who is not related to my 17 year old allows him to go into their home without my knowledge or consent. This adult is very well aware that I do not want my 17 year old son in their home. I just found out that my son spent the evening there. When I asked my son why he went there when he knew he was not allowed there, his response was "well mom I didn't know she was taking me there until I got there so I just went in". By the way - thank you for all the previous advice given on this web site it has all held true.
Yes, you can tell your 17 year old that he is NOT allowed to go there and you can punish your 17 year old in whatever way you see fit. You can tell him that if he goes there again he will lose privileges, up to and including the door to his bedroom, anything in his bedroom but a mattress on the floor and a change of clothes. You can tell him that you are the parent and he is the child and that as long as he is living under your roof, which he must do until he is at least 18, he WILL do what you say.

You are the parent. Act like one.
Thats a nice thought "cbg"; however, acting like a parent, as you put it, gets me in trouble with the police in this town. I am really looking for information as to what legal recourse I have toward the ADULTS that allow my son to enter their homes knowing full well it is against my wishes. I have taken away the things I am legally allowed to take away and this does not help. I am not willing to kick him out of my home because he would end up in a very unhealthy and dangerous place (the homes I am trying to keep him out of). So i'll ask again if anyone knows of any legal recourse I have toward the adults who allow my son to come to their homes knowing full well I do not want him there? I feel the need to add that I am not getting any support from the police, Judges, DA's office, School or Probation department. The only way I have been able to get the police to assist me is to find a law in NY state and print it then give it to the chief to enforce. I have searched the internet for a law that will allow me to prevent a 17 year old from going to a home or riding in a car without my consent, but have not had any success. If anyone knows of one and could assist that is really the only way i am going to be able to enforce my rule.
I dont see how being a parent can get you in trouble unless you took it too far. However if you wish you can seek a protective order against this other person(s) providing you can show that being around said person(s) can or will cause harm to your minor. This means if your child is seen with said person(s) this person(s) can be arrested and sent to jail.
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