Teen pregnancy

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New Member
Hi , I have a couple questions about teen pregnancy but first I want to tell you little about what I gone through so you know why am asking so much okay .. when I was 11 I was sexually abused by my father after telling my mom we reported went to court went thrrought the process my case is now closed .. know am 16 and I am pregnant me and my boyfriend are very happy at first but know we arent very sure I hardly speak to him know and I dontt want him to be involved with my baby's birth he doesnt want to have anything to do with the baby anyways well my question is do I have to give the fathers information to anyone in the hospital after giving birth ? Is anyone going to ask me about the father ? What type of question well they ask me after giving birth ? Well my past about the rape report after me or my mom now ? Can she get into trouble with the law? Can I keep my baby ?
No, you don't have to give any information about the father. Yes, they'll ask. But believe me they're far more concerned about the health of you and the baby. You can worry about the legal stuff later.

Depending on the age of your boyfriend, he may or may not end up in legal trouble.

Yes, you'll be able to keep the child provided that there's no abuse or neglect.

Hon, get yourself a support system in place. Make sure you know all of your options, including adoption. This doesn't mean that your life is over, but sometimes putting the child first is the most selfless act a human can do even if we really don't want to look at adoption, etc.
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