teen parent rights

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Hi. I am 16 years old and my boyfriend is 19. We have a 1 year old son together. We are now living together because my mother is a drunk and kicks my son & I out all the time. Now since she found out my boyfriend found a place for us to live and live a healthy life to raise our son she says she is going to report me as a runaway and an out of control teen only because she does not want me living with him. This is the happiest Ive been and I do have permission from my dad and grandmother (which is trying for guardianship for me). I was just wondering if she really could get me in any kind of trouble? Also to know my rights as a teen parent with my mother being the way that she is
Hi. I am 16 years old and my boyfriend is 19. We have a 1 year old son together. We are now living together because my mother is a drunk and kicks my son & I out all the time. Now since she found out my boyfriend found a place for us to live and live a healthy life to raise our son she says she is going to report me as a runaway and an out of control teen only because she does not want me living with him. This is the happiest Ive been and I do have permission from my dad and grandmother (which is trying for guardianship for me). I was just wondering if she really could get me in any kind of trouble? Also to know my rights as a teen parent with my mother being the way that she is

When your mammy reports you, big trouble will begin.

First of all, the ADULT boyfriend that IMPREGNATED you can be charged with some felonious sexually related crimes.

Those kinds of crimes could land him in prison, and cause him to be forever labelled a SEXUAL PREDATOR (aka - CHILD MOLESTER), causing him to register his whereabouts for the rest of his life, and eliminating him from his ability ot pursue certain kids of employment.

Yes, mammy can blab to the authorities and cause you to be locked down in a juvenile facility, and your baby could end up being CONFISCATED and placed in state control, eventually landing in the FOSTER care rathole.

Oh yes, you better believe mammy can make very big trouble for ALL three of you when (or if) she blabs what she knows, east cheese, drops a couple dimes, snitches you out, rats you out, or RUNTELLSDAT!!!!!!

I forgot, if pappy gave you permission to SHACK up with JACK SHEETFORBRAINS (your 19 year old baby pappy), he could have some potential legal difficulty, too.

Old mammy may be ALL of those (and MORE), but if she opens her piehole and snitches this out to the right people, somebody gonna (or coulda be) be in MUCHO TROUBLEO, dawg!

Ya feeling me, Missy???
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The age of consent in MD is 16. Since your son is already a year old, obviously you were under that when you began having sex. That means that your boyfriend committed a crime for which he can go to jail.

So you might want to make nice with Mom.
Due to Maryland's "Romeo & Juliet" laws the chances of either being prosecuted are virtually nil.

The "Romeo and Juliet" exception

In many states, including Maryland, lawmakers have enacted "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions to protect young people from criminal charges for engaging in consensual sexual activity with others close to their own age. For example, under Maryland's laws, a 19-year-old cannot be prosecuted for having sex with a 16-year-old, and a 15-year-old cannot be prosecuted for having sex with a 13-year-old. (Md. Ann. [Crim.] Code §§ 3-304, 3-306, 3-307.)
Which does not change the fact that at 16, she lives where her custodial parent says she lives. Having a baby does NOT give her the right to move out at 16.
I believe Pro was just talking about the chances of being prosecuted due to info in prior posts.
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