Teen Mom needing Help!

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I am 17 years old with a 9 month old baby boy, I live in a very crowded home and is in need of my own space. At my age is it okay that i get an Enmacipation? I am attending school and my child is in Daycare, provided by my High School. I have full custody of my son and I am also recieving Child Support. At my age if i do get Enmacipated will I get my own place?

I really need help A.S.A.P!!!:angel
If you get emancipated, you will not get your own place.

In most (if not all) states, one of the requirements for emancipation is that you are already living on your own and independently supporting yourself. That is not the case in your situation, so you do not qualify for emancipation.

You'll just have to stick it out until you are 18 or whatever the age of majority is in your state.
Not to mention that the chances of a minor with a child being approved for emancipation under ANY circumstances range between slim and none.
What state are you in? How long until you reach age 18?

Some states do not even allow for emancipation of minors, others provide it under very restrictive guidelines. Most all will only allow it for RESPONSIBLE minors who will not burden the taxpayers. If you are six months or less from age 18, you will likely turn 18 before any court process is completed anyway, so it would only waste your money and tax dollars to pursue it. But, you can contact your state and county courts and find out what the process is - if one exists at all.

- Carl
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