tax issue in ohio

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My brother and his wife divorced five years ago and have 2 children. My brother has sole physical custody and they share legal custody. My brother is on disability and does not work. She works and pays the state a nominal amount of child support to cover what he receives in public assistance. Therefore, she has the right to claim the kids on her taxes every year. The decree states that she is to divide the return with my brother, but never has.

Here is my involvement. Since they were born, I have been the primary provider of the kids' clothing, shoes, winter coats, school supplies, birthday/christmas gifts, and any other miscellaneous stuff they need. I also cover medical expenses that Medicaid will not cover, including general dentistry and orthodontics. Thus far I have been responsible for almost $10K in orthodontic expenses for the kids and, even though both parents initally said they would help when they were able, they have not paid a dime for either one. I am struggling to keep up with everything those kids need and I feel I should have the right to alternate years with their mother on claiming them on my taxes. After all, she doesn't use hers to support the kids at all (except what the state confiscates for child support arrears) and my brother wouldn't either, even if he did get it. At least what I would get I could use to help buy their school clothes and pay medical expenses.

Bottom line is, would I have standing to sue for the right to claim them on my tax return, considering the fact that I spend literally thousands on them every year? They definitely meet the federal government's definition of my "dependents," since I pay for at least half of everything they get-- the state pays the other half.
Nope. You spend the money on them which is totally up to you, and totally volunatarily. Your brother doesn't do much to support the kids either, if he is on disability his income is extremely limited. All mom is required to do is pay the court ordered amount of child support. So how does one totally diasabled get custody? Is he even capable of caring for the kids? Just curious.

Yyou have no legal rights to the kids, and if he not getting half of a court ordered return, he needs to go to court. I find it odd that he would even get half of a return, that is a strange request, given he depends on tax payers anyways.
His legal aid attorney is the one who requested he get half the tax returns, and the court said ok. Presumably that is because the child tax credit is supposed to help parents afford raising their kids, and whatever he gets from SSI technically supports the kids, since it pays their rent. I could probably do something legally about getting money for the orthodontics, since there was a verbal agreement that they would both help financially, but I think it's far more equitable to share the credit. My brother got custody because she didn't want them-- she told them she was going shopping with her mother for their Christmas presents and never came back. Good riddance, but it still burns my a** that she profits off of them yearly and never lifts a finger to help them. If I hadn't stuck by them, they wouldn't have anything.
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