TASC lost my test results-not on drugs-CPS threatening me

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CPS has recently involved themselves into my life due to false allegations of neglect and drug use. They have in one of their reports that I am using cocaine and marijuana. I do not use drugs. I submitted a UA to TASC (which came back negative) and a hair follicle test-on a different date, which CPS is claiming TASC has no record of. TASC won't release any information to me, they won't even confirm if I was there or not on the day in question, their reasoning being because CPS paid for the test so CPS basically owns the rights to the results. I do not want to go through random drug testing because I am clean and because it is extremely violating, but CPS keeps threatening to take my child if I don't do everything they want. I am tired of people telling me to just do what they say and cooperate, when I have cooperated and this is where it lead me. What should I do? What can I do aside from letting them continue to threaten and intimidate me? I am really scared.
If your clean then you need not fear or be concerned with tests. If you stay clean sooner or later they will cease testing.
You can refuse to take the test.
However, if you refuse, CPS will probably bring an action against you to remove your kids from your control.
Eventually you're likely to lose your parental rights.
If you're receiving government assistance, the authorities will move to cut off the benefit spigot.
If you're "clean and sober", don't submit to the test for you, do it for your children.

Your resistance only hurts you, destroys your family, stops all government assistance, and leaves you alone with your illicit drugs of choice.
I think OP is saying she doesn't use drugs and these are false allegations. Regardless its better for her to submit to tests. After repeated clean test they will stop. It s better to cooperate than fight even though yo have done nothing wrong. I was once falsely accused of wrongdoing and CPS got involved. I did what was asked and once they saw there was no issue it was over. The accuser kept making complaints so I would get brief visits just to check and it was over same day. Then at one point any complaint for this source was ignored. So you see it will work out. By the way while you have CPS in your life there are perks (ok bad choice of words) CPS has access to a variety of resources that you and your family can benefit from. I suggest you use them while they are still involved. We did. In fact one bright side was really a boost. Because we were involved with CPS due to false claims many groups became aware of us and our situation (living in Motel with 5 kids). Near Christmas a Police officer showed up at door with gifts for our kids. I saw a pick up truck with gifts and assumed only a handful were for my kids no the entire bed of truck had gifts for our 5 children. On top of that the Officer gave myself and wife a $100.00 bill for us. We tried to give it back but he refused. Not enough for you? That year the county we lived in had a lottery of sorts and a needy family would be put on top of list for housing (normal 2 to 3 year waiting list then) We won that. We were put on Housing right away and got a 4 bedroom house for us. so you see it snot all bad and all you need to do is pee in a cup every so often
If you want to keep your child cooperate with CPS & do what they require no matter what it is.
OP, please understand that CPS do NOT have the right to take your children without a court order. Nor are they permitted to enter your house.

While I appreciate the advice to just do what they say, CPS is not a perfect entity and some of their staff have absolutely no idea that they can't just step in and grab someone's kids.

I strongly suggest this OP runs to an attorney first thing. Sometimes that's enough action to make CPS abide by the actual law.
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