summons on a natural non resident person when he was overeas for 1 ye


New Member
i am a non resident person and my house in Florida is my house for vacations . I live overseas and stayed 12 months in Europe from april 2014 through april 2015 .

i was shocked to find a summons on a natural person ( on the request of HOA ) served to a nother person March 31 2015 . i am able to prove that iarrive to USA in April the 7th , 2015 . i did not received a summons on a natural person to my address in Europe , i did not received an email either .

is there a way to invalid the processing of this summons .

I checked out the day and time , initials and number of the server .

i had 20 calendar days to answer . i dont know what to do because i dont know anything about the law in Florida
I suggest you hire yourself a Florida attorney to represent your legal interests.
An online forum will be of little use to a person in your predicament.