Rent, Utilities Sub tenant bullying master tenant in SF

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Hi, I am a master lease holder(sub landlord) in San Francisco. I have lived in the apartment the longest, 5 years. I have two legal sub tenant roommates that both have lease agreements with me since my name is the only one on the master lease. One of my roommates has lived in the apartment for five months and have not had any issues with. The other roommate has lived in the apartment for three years, he persuaded me when he first moved in,to allow him to put the cable bills in his name claiming his company could get us a discount, so I allowed him to. My old roommate and I begged him to give us our portion of the cable bills, but he didn't give them to us until a year later and expected us to pay him a big bill within a couple of months. I told him he should have given us the bills properly and that I'd pay him when I was able to. Meanwhile, he disconnected my cable and internet for lack of payment. When my new roommate and I got new cable, we learned that his account was a "business" which meant his software company was most likely reimbursing him or paying for it, especially since he worked from home sometimes. So I'm not sure I think it's fair for me to pay him. He is being a bully and unfortunately I didn't have him sign a waiver to the 15 just causes for eviction. Recently, on the third of the month, after he have me his rent check he told me that he would not be paying his portion of the utilities(water, garbage, electricity) since I owed him money. Isn't the utilities considered part of his rent and if so could I give him a three day notice for breaching his lease agreement with me as well as my main lease agreement with my landlord? I just don't think what he is doing is legal.
You used the cable, pay him what you agreed to pay him.
You could have saved the money all year.
Or, you could have refused his offer (offers always have strings), let him get his cable, and you get your cable.

If you think he's out of line, try to evict him.
He'll try to sue you for the lousy cable money.

If that's how you want to live your lives, go for it.

Know this, you can't make him do anything.
He can't make you do anything.
If you can't resolve your issues, you take them to court.
The judge will ultimately decide.
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