Still getting a paycheck

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New Member
I recently left one career for another. I gave my resignation on an 8.5 by 11 sheet stating the date and all applicable information. However, I have still been receiving a check through direct deposit. At first, I thought that it was just the system working itself out, but by the 3rd check (2 week intervals), I feel they may be making a mistake. Am I required to tell them? What happens if I do not tell them?
This is not legal Advice!


If I were you I would instruct your bank to stop the incoming direct deposit and issue your previous employer with a check and a letter explaining that you have been over paid and you are returning the money.

This is the correct route because if there is any occurrence in the future it shows you have made every attempt to correct their problem.

Take care

If you do not tell them, then when they catch the error, and trust me, they will catch the error, you can be sued for the return of the money. And they WILL win.

Keeping money you know you did not earn and are not entitled to is called stealing. The fact that someone else made an error does not entitle you to keep the money.

The sooner you call them, the less you will have to return.
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