statutory rape . PLEASE HELP

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Hi, My name is Lisandra. I am 14 turning 15 november 19th. I have two twin boys by a boy turning 18 december 1st . He is getting charged with statutory rape, and now the lawyers he is dealing with is saying not only are we not allowed to be together period, even if we dont have sex. We also are not allowed to see eachother or have any type of contact with eachother. They said if we are together they can still accuse us of having sex even if we aren't. I want to know if all this is true and if there is anything I can do for us to be together.
You will be lucky if he doesn't end up with a 20 year prison sentence. If you have any sense, and if you care about this fellow at all, you will stay away from him until they tell you that you are old enough to marry. If you don't, he will be in jail where you cannot get to him. STAY AWAY.
Yes, it is true. You are WELL under the age when you can legally have sex, which means that even if you got down on your knees and begged him to have sex with you, it's still statutory rape. The fact that you gave birth is proof that he is guilty of stat rape. There is nothing, repeat, NOTHING that you can do to force the law to let you be together. The best thing you can possibly do for him is to stay away from him altogether and to PRAY that it is not already too late for him to avoid a very long jail sentence. He broke the law and the law takes this very seriously.
You are 14 and already have twins? Yes this man committed a crime. So were 13 or 14 when he had sex with you, that is a crime. you are too young to consent to sex, or to be a mom. Let this boy worry about his own problems you need to figure out how you are going to finish school, and take care of your children at such a young age. Do you have family support ? What are your goals for the future? PLEASE do not have sex anytime soon you do not want to get pregnqnt again do you at such a young age?
i thought there was only a law saying that we cant have sex, not that we cant be together period?
When he violated the law, he lost his right to "be with you" in a non-sexual way too.

I don't think you fully understand yet that he committed a crime for which he can spend many, many years in jail. The law is not going to look the other way.
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