Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Statute of limitations...

  • Thread Starter Thegirlwiththehearttattoo
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I was curious to know the statute of limitations on falsifying a police report in Indiana was. Basically I did a bad thing a couple years ago.. and falsified a police report and took someone's free life away for it. I want to make it right, but don't want to go to jail myself.
Read this:

Filing a False Police Report: Penalties and Consequences

If you lied to the police and fingered Willie Wicked for committing a crime, you have more to worry about than filing a false police report.

You can be sued in civil court for destroying a person's life and taking his/her freedom.

No doubt you testified under oath in open court that Willie Wicked committed X,Y, & Z against you. That would be another charge, perjury.

Filing a false police report in Indiana is called, FALSE INFORMING.
It could be a misdemeanor, or felony.

An innocent person sits in prison on a felony conviction, you'd be charged with the felony version, plus felony for perjury.

The SOL for a felony in Indiana, none.
False informing: (IND. CODE ANN. § 35-44-2-2)
Indiana Ind. Code Ann. 35-41-4-2
Class A felony: no statute of limitations;
Class B, Class C, or Class D felony: within 5 years after the offense within 2 years after the offense

I suggest you speak with an Indiana criminal defense attorney BEFORE you contact the district attorney/prosecutor.

You have a great deal of civil and criminal exposure.

Good luck.