Assault & Battery statement

I was tricked into signing a statement, what can I do about it ,

You can attempt to rescind your statement, request to amend and correct your response, or in some cases you can change your story if you're ever asked about the statement.

Before you do anything, and without knowing what the statement represented, I suggest you immediately see a local attorney about your statement, especially if the statement has you CONFESSING to a crime(s).

FindLaw's District Court of Appeal of Florida case and opinions.

Springfield Police Allegedly Coerced Witnesses in Wrongful Conviction | Open Media Boston
Did you sign a statement CONFESSING to a crime? Or, did you sign a statement alleging that your partner/loved one committed a crime against you?

As mentioned by Army Judge, before you consider recanting or changing what you wrote or admitted to, consult with an attorney so that you might understand what legal penalties you might face as a result of this changing of the tale. And if this is a domestic violence case, keep in mind that about 75% of victims recant or risk jail by lying, so the prosecutor may already be prepared for this to happen.