Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct Stalking & Harassment

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New Member
I have neighbor who started giving me problems about 2 years ago when my husband and I first moved into our new home. He followed me to the store, to the DMV, and the mall. At the mall he yelled my name. This is when I put him on notice. I took his photo with my cell phone, and a photo of the store we were standing in front of. I told him I was going to us this as evidence of stalking and harassment in my police report, and he better never follow me again. At the DMV he told me he would catch up with me later, and drove off, as I was getting out of my car. This spooked me. Running into him at the store gave me the creeps, as his non verbal was one of an interested in being more than friends approach. After I put him on notice in the mall, I believe he has told my neighbors bad things about me. What he has told them, I don't know. My husband was driving through the neighborhood on his way home from work. My husband will not speed. The awful neighbor tail gated my husband, blowing his horn and giving my husband the finger. One day everyone was outside, and my husband and I were returning from our walk. This nasty neighbor yelled out everyone's name to say hello, but ours. Oh, and this neighbor used to show up frequently when my husband and I took our walks. As a result we don't know our neighbors, they don't us. The ones I have tried to get to know have been unfriendly. My guess is that he has done this before to someone else. He has a wife and teen aged kids. I'm thinking about putting his wife on notice as well, and just telling my neighbors what happened. What legally can be done?
With the exception of the mall and the following around the store incidents, and, since you have indicated that he has backed off, you don't have much to build a legal case regarding stalking. Now, regarding the harassment, unless you have concrete proof that he has done gossiping about you, you don't have much of a case either unless there is something specific on your HOA or POA rules. So, for now, you will have to come up with creative ways to get to know your neighbors and have them get to know you as well. Good Luck!
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