K Visa South African married to a German

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New Member
I hope someone will be able to help me! I am a South African married to a German citizen. I am still in SA while he is back in Germany. I am in the process of applying for a familyreunification visa. What are the procedures and how long does it take. We are married out of community of property with acrual. Meaning: whatever we accrue during the marriage gets split ,but before the marriage, belongs to themselves. I would like to know if this marriage contract applies in Germany as well or only here?
Under German law this is the standard procedure, they call it "Zugewinnausgleich": property that each spouse had before the marriage remains theirs alone, any property gained after marriage including future interests will be split 50-50 in the event of a divorce.

How long it takes the consulate to issue a visa I don't know. You have to apply for the visa (Ehegattennachzugsvisum) at one of the German diplomatic missions in South Africa. They will send the application to the Aliens Office (Auslaenderbehoerde) of the city where you want to live and they will review it and, hopefully, grant permission to live in Germany. For the application you need your marriage certificate, a certified copy of the German passport of the spouse (or the original) and may be other locally needed documents.

After the local Aliens Office has granted permission the German consulate then will issue the visa.

It probably will take a couple of weeks.
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