Someone made a myspace profile of me with nude pics?

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New Member
Okay I live in the USA and more targeted in North Carolina. 3 Days ago someone hacked my email and most of my personal sites that I use to communicate with family back home. They changed all login passwords and I had to call yahoo to have it switched back. The logged onto my profiles and posted nude photos of myself (yes i know now nothing is really ever private but they were on a disk in my home which was broken into last week,the only things taken were jewels and the Naughty disk) So whom ever it is that is doing all this has to know me pretty well to have found the disk.

Anyways, I contacted yahoo had all things put back into my logins (new ones of course) and then logged onto myspace and just deleted my profile. with in an hour of it being down they had created a new profile in my name with all the nude photos again. I contacted myspace once again and they removed it. with in an hour they had posted a new profile once again making three total times these photos had been posted (mind you some of them were very naked and posted up right next to pictures of my children) the invited my friends to see the sites and blocked me from entering.

I finally contacted our local police, but we live in a VERY small town and the police really didnt know what to do. They say they are working on it and all in the mean time since myspace continued to take down the sites they just started to make new ones on places like face book, where my little 15 yr old sister goes and on my yearbook where my childrens friends communicate. I continue to request them to be taken down and continue to call the police with each new lead. I still can not put blame to any one person without proof postive.

My main questions are these. What course should the police be taking. Are they allowed to tell me to who they traced the IP's back to if they ever do and can anything be done to punish the person who has done all this damage in our small town?

Thanks for your time and effort in this matter.
Sorry to hear about the problem. The local police are likely clueless. You need to contact Yahoo and MySpace and request that they preserve the IP information concerning the accounts you list. You should tell them that a criminal investigation is underway and that the police will be contacting them shortly. An information subpoena is typically necessary for these large web sites to hand over IP information.
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