social service abuse

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New Member
After many DNN's and convincing social services over many years ive finnaly recieved custody of a non biological child (16) years of age,and two other biological daughters- two years ago...yet family members from the significant other continue to file fasle reports with social services and then they invade my privacy and open old wounds with the children and re subject them to the history of my x- wifes domestic violence and traumatise them all over do you remedy this situation without submiting to thier criteria ...time and time again only to have them document it is as unfounded and leaving us mentaly raped and wound's salted all over again ?..........

You may want to review the constitution Look under the bill of right
Amendments 4, 5 , 14
also research the Laws on Making false reports, Slander and defimation of charactor as these may give you recourse
next you may also want to ash the dept for a court order and or a warrant when they come knocking
if they dont have it refuse entry entil they retain it
Remember that knowledge is power you have to have the knowledge
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