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New Member
A friend of mine, while in a retail establishment, overheard a conversation between two employees while walking through the store. He heard them describe the clothing he was wearing and heard the word "stealing".

Employees watched him leave the store, but nothing was ever said to him.

He was not stopped or approached in any way, just overheard the conversation.

Does he have a case of defamation?
No. He has no suffered no damages and does not even know for certain that anyone thought he was stealing. Nor did he hear exactly what was said. What if the words before, "stealing", were, "is not"?

What if there were someone else in the store dressed similarly?

He was not stopped. He was not questioned. He was not accused. He has suffered no damages. His name has not been tarnished. He has no case.
He believes what they said was that he was stealing.He had a friend with him who heard it.

What would be his best course of action or is it a hard case for him to prove?
His best and only course of action is to drop the whole thing. He has no case.
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