Ski Accident

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I reside in Massachusetts but my Injury was sustained in New Hampshire. Approx. 3 weeks ago, I went to a Loon Mountain Resort Lodge to try my hand at skiing ( I hadn't skiied for 8-9 yrs.) I was given ski's that were just waxed, took the Gondola to the top of the mountain and as I was riding up looked down to see the sparkling ICE conditions which I was not made aware of. (I was with a friend who ski's often and was told that she was extremely afraid of the conditions and feels that the trail shouold have been closed that day.) I got to the top and the only way down despite my fear was to ski down. I almost immediately "wiped out" on the ICE. My skis did not come off and lodged somewhat into the mountain as I fell so hard. I heard my knee pop and was in excruciating pain. It was approx. 1/2 hour or so before someone helped me. I went to the Doctors and am now facing ACL/MCL (Tom Bradys Exact Injury) Surgery on MArch 11. I am currently unemployed and have no insurance. I feel that the resort was negligent in allowing seasoned skiiers let alone novices on this trail on that particular day. Do I have any legal recourse? I am 24 yrs. old, cannot look for a job until knee is healed and am very active otherwise. Thank you for any advice you can give to me in this situation.
I can't imagine a ski resort being held liable under the conditions you set out.

Read your lift ticket.

But, go to a personal injury lawyer to see what he says about your case.
If you had not been out Skiing for 8-9Yrs -- You should have went on the bunny hills first to get into the grove of skiing again--- instead you went on a real live hill and chanced it-- I would doubt you have any legal recourse – That is almost as bad as someone who has never skied before and takes the biggest mountain out there—why would this be the lodges fault?
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