sister caught up in brother's divorce

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My brother's divorce is set to go to trial in September in Ohio. He has 2 children with his future ex-wife. My brother has requested a guardian ad litem for the children, and one was appointed in mid June.

In late June the future ex-wife left for a 10 day vacation leaving my brother with full custody.

Here we are in late July, and the ex-wife is now accusing my brother of child abuse. She has contacted social services, and an investigation has begun.

My brother and I have had a very strained relationship, we did not speak for 15 years. He was verbally and physically abusive while growing up and I was in counseling during my teenage years because of it.

In the past 6 months I have started to rebuild my relationship with my brother. I have never met the future ex-wife, and truly do not belive my brother would do anything to hurt his children. I have offered to help him if I can, but I will not commit purgery, and I am afraid my words will be twisted and cause more harm than good.

The future ex-wife has known about our strained relationship for years, and I find it rather odd that she makes these accusations AFTER her 10 day vacation. I also have no interest in having my personal life on display for her amusement at this trial.

Should I contact a lawyer of my own? Does the fact that I do not live in the same state help matters? What are my rights to privacy?
Have yoiu been contacted by someone, child protective services, or the future ex-wife's lawyer? You have had not had contact in 15 years so I don't know how anything you might have to say would be relevant to the current day happenings, plus you don't even live near your brother to have witnessed anything good or bad. If you are contacted then consider a lawyer consultation to see what your options are. However, I am curious how after intense counseling due to his physical and verbal abuse of you, leads you to believe he wouldn't abuse his children...
In the years that have passed my brother has spent time in the army, and is now a paramedic. The army forced him to grow up and take responsiblity for his actions, being a paramedic and a father has given him compassion. It was only after seeing his children through the eyes of a father that he was able to see the pain he caused as a brother.

Believe me, I never thought this would happen, but I owed it to myself to hear him out and have accepted his apology.

The future ex-wife's lawyer has not contacted me yet, but I am expecting him to. Should I seek legal councel in the state of new york or the state of ohio?

Don't do anything until you are actually contacted, then tell them you won't speak with them until you have retained consul. I suggest a lawyer in Ohio since everything is being handled there and it may cost less as a NYC lawyer may have to travel to Ohio to do business for you. But it really depends on what they want from you whether you need a lawyer or not. I still don't see how a court would find relevant something that happened 15 years ago when he and you were kids. You have had no contact with your brother pertaining to what is happening now as you are in NY so I really doubt they will contact you.
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