Simple question

Michael Wechsler

Staff member
Why does or should a company need to pick from existing temporary workers? Perhaps they are temporary because the company doesn't believe any of the existing temps are better than what they have found? Unless there is a pattern of discrimination against a protected class, e.g. only one race was selected and all others were denied, there is nothing of which I am aware which requires any company to hire temporary workers before they hire anyone else. If there was talent they wouldn't want to leave they would likely hire the talent. If nepotism is at play there is very little that can be done except as it relates to discrimination (above) against a protected class or there is a contractual right (likely none.)
Okay I been tempting for this complany for a year and half now, I went to the HR consultant to ask if there wa anything wrong that I was doing because I applied to four different open positions, she asked me if I was every interviewed because it's Sauk g on her computer screen that I me and the 15 other temp employees was interviewed and I told her as far as me, I wasn't but some of them employees got hired some how, she claimed that from the looks of it that somebody hand picked who they wanted to hired and just didn't even give us the ones who didn't get hired permanently a chance.. Is the legal for a company to do?
In the absence of a legally binding and enforceable contract that expressly says otherwise, there is no requirement within private employment that jobs be posted or that all interested employees, or temps, be given the opportunity to apply. It is quite legal for "handpicked" replacements to be chosen, with the qualifier provided by Michael above.
Duplicate post. The bottom line is, yes, this is legal for a company to do. You are not going to get responses via email.
I don't see anything illegal here as long as no one is discriminated against due to a reason prohibited by law (example religion, race, gender.........) or there is a legal binding employment contract contrary to what the employer is doing.
It is most likely that they are "picking and choosing" who they hire based on what they observe and experience. It may not necessarily be anything you're doing wrong, it could be any number of things.