sick puppy

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New Member
I purchased a puppy from a dog breeder. On the third day in our house, the puppy became very ill. She was diagnosed with pneumonia. The vet thinks that she had kennel cough while with the breeder that got worse due to the transport to us (9 hour drive). The cost of the puppy was $1,200. Her vet bills to date are $1,700 and she will have more bills before the issue is resolved. The contract we signed allowed us 10 days to return the puppy for a full refund. Although we knew she was sick on the third day she was too ill to transport as she needed to be kept at the vets for several days (and of course we are attached). Do we have any recourse to recoup some of our expenses?
Puppy Lemon Law

Google: Puppy Lemon Law. Choose your state laws and see if they apply to your situation. You did have a contract and knew the puppy was sick but did not return the puppy. Did the contract state the puppy was healthy and free of diseases? Did you contact the breeder and give them a chance to do anything? Sometimes they have a vet they use at a discounted price. In small claims you would have to prove that the contract wasn't valid and maybe the state laws will help, otherwise you may be stuck since you didn't return the puppy.
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