Should I send letter requesting child info?

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New Member
My question involves a part of the process to determine what's in the best interest for the child. I understand that in most states they have a list of factors the judges take into consideration upon determining this. In TN and from my research a lot of other states have this factor as well:

Each parent or caregiver's past and potential for future performance of parenting responsibilities, including the willingness and ability of each of the parents and caregivers to facilitate and encourage a close and continuing parent-child relationship between the child and both of the child's parents, consistent with the best interest of the child.

I have noticed in reading court opinions that the part about each parent's ability to encourage and facilitate a relationship with the opposite parent. I have read quite a few cases where the Judge found that 1 parent was interfering with communication and relationship with the opposite parent and in some cases not providing information regarding the child's doctors and/or extracurricular activities. The outcome was that the Judge ruled in favor of the parent that was trying to facilitate a good relationship, etc…

Now my phone communication with my daughter has been very strained despite several complaints and emails with no response nor change. I have been told my daughter is attending a dance class. I have asked information about this and about if she had new doctors/dentists and got no answer.

QUESTION: Would it be wise to send a certified letter requesting for this information. I know it will go unanswered but I'm just kind of curious as to whether the judge would see it as her not wanting to cooperate and cutting me out of our daughters life.
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