Should I Request a Hearing?

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New Member
State: NY

When I was fired, the reason my Boss gave was that he believed I would never be happy working with him. He even said he would give me a good reference. A couple weeks later I found out it was for insubordination. After talking with the DOL agent, the reasons he was giving were either stretching the truth or outright lies. Ultimately it came down to his word against mine. They chose his.

We had a few one on one talks over the years, however not one conversation had a direct order to stop anything specifically I was doing, let alone a course of action that would be taken. Nothing in writing either. I was given raises and more vacation time over the period of time that my former boss is accusing me of insubordination.

The incident that the DOL gave towards my denial of benefits was a stretch in the truth, in how they said I had a tantrum despite being asked to stop. I have a witness who would vouch on the real situation.

My question is it worth getting a hearing, or am I just wasting my time?
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