Should I plead Not Guilty and go to trial?

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New Member
Should I plead "Not Guilty" or just pay the fine? A friend and I were given citations for soliciting on county property. (we were selling drinks in the parking lot and were not aware of this law) The officer did not warn us, nor had we sold anything. We were in the park no more than 10 minutes. As the cop issued the citation I asked him were there signs that stated this law. The cop told me and then pointed to the sign that was quite a distance away. The sign merely looked of a "green square" from where we were standing. I have taken pictures of where we were located, and where the sign was located. I feel as though the signs at this location should be placed near the entrance of the park. Or at multiple spots at the location. Surely had my friend and I saw the sign we would have never set up shop. As a young adult with a clean record, not even a traffic ticket on my record. I feel that this case should be dismissed.

If I plead not guilty and go to trial, do I have a great chance of winning this case? Or would it just be easier on myself and pay the fine?
Anyone charged with any crime should always plead not guilty and ask for a trial.
That is your right, guaranteed to every one in our country by virtue of our constitution.
Criminal defendants should always CLAM UP and force the state to prove its case.
There will be time for deal making later.
Why admit to anything before you've even been arraigned?
Our founders gave us the greatest constitution ever known to man.
All of us are wise to use it!
I agree. Plea not guilty and let the state do the proving. You have pictures and a witness. Plus you never made any sales. good luck!
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