Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft shoplifting / khols


New Member
I was at Khols this weekend with my wife getting some stuff for our daughter. We bought around $140 worth of items.
While she was driving me crazy looking for the stuff I was looking at some sunglasses (worth about $15). I didnt like the glasses by the way. But any how, I ended up putting the glasses in my pocket by mistake.
We paid for the all the stuff we got, a d I forgot about the glasses and walked out. Well, security was waiting outside the store and started yelling at me. I tryid to explain that i didnt do it intentionally and that I didnt eve. like the glasses but of course he didnt believe me.
He called the police and now I have being charged and my record is not perfect anymore. Im 44 years old dont even have tickets and now it looks like im going to have this dirty spot on my record. O tried to explain but the loss prevention guy didnt care. Not only he treated me like a criminal, but he didnt even let me call anybody with more experience to guide on what to do and help me get out of that situation.
I would love to sue Kohls for damaging my record for a $15 honest mistake. Can I? Do I have a chance? I mostly want that out of my record.
please help.
I was at Khols this weekend with my wife getting some stuff for our daughter. We bought around $140 worth of items.
While she was driving me crazy looking for the stuff I was looking at some sunglasses (worth about $15). I didnt like the glasses by the way. But any how, I ended up putting the glasses in my pocket by mistake.
We paid for the all the stuff we got, a d I forgot about the glasses and walked out. Well, security was waiting outside the store and started yelling at me. I tryid to explain that i didnt do it intentionally and that I didnt eve. like the glasses but of course he didnt believe me.
He called the police and now I have being charged and my record is not perfect anymore. Im 44 years old dont even have tickets and now it looks like im going to have this dirty spot on my record. O tried to explain but the loss prevention guy didnt care. Not only he treated me like a criminal, but he didnt even let me call anybody with more experience to guide on what to do and help me get out of that situation.
I would love to sue Kohls for damaging my record for a $15 honest mistake. Can I? Do I have a chance? I mostly want that out of my record.
please help.
Good luck with suing the store. Don't expect to win. Since the police were called & you were charged, you need to talk to a lawyer & only the lawyer. You can ask about ACD or Diversion as plea options to help protect your record.
I was at Khols this weekend with my wife getting some stuff for our daughter. We bought around $140 worth of items.
While she was driving me crazy looking for the stuff I was looking at some sunglasses (worth about $15). I didnt like the glasses by the way. But any how, I ended up putting the glasses in my pocket by mistake.
We paid for the all the stuff we got, a d I forgot about the glasses and walked out. Well, security was waiting outside the store and started yelling at me. I tryid to explain that i didnt do it intentionally and that I didnt eve. like the glasses but of course he didnt believe me.
He called the police and now I have being charged and my record is not perfect anymore. Im 44 years old dont even have tickets and now it looks like im going to have this dirty spot on my record. O tried to explain but the loss prevention guy didnt care. Not only he treated me like a criminal, but he didnt even let me call anybody with more experience to guide on what to do and help me get out of that situation.
I would love to sue Kohls for damaging my record for a $15 honest mistake. Can I? Do I have a chance? I mostly want that out of my record.
please help.

Cool story, bro.
You're like all mad and stuff.
I liked the part where you forgot and left the store 'cause your kid was all bratty and stuff.
I can't believe they set you up, bro.
Totally honest mistake, too, bro.
I mean, I ain't never done that, but lots of really cool peeps has.
My buddy, Slasher, they done him in too, dog.
Skipper's wife, Thunder, she was tricked too, bro.
You even spent all that money and stuff.
Why come they all time set up innocent people, bro?
Bet your wife was like, WTF and stuff, right?
I'm like,WTF, yo?
Cool story, bro.
Let us know how things end.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. They did not believe you because they hear that story everyday true or not You can sue anyone but you cannot win this one. Everything they did was legal. You can fight charge in court but cost to do so would exceed fine and if yu lose you could get max sentence. I suggest you talk to a Lawyer about your options and while talking ask about plea options that wont stain your record like ACD or Diversion
So let's get this straight... you steal merchandise from a store and you get arrested and charged with a crime, but you want to sue the store for damaging your spotless record? You can't be serious.
So let's get this straight... you steal merchandise from a store and you get arrested and charged with a crime, but you want to sue the store for damaging your spotless record? You can't be serious.

I guess it was humiliating, too, maybe....
I try to side with the person as I choose to see the good in people. I have also seen situations where the accused actually did allow something to distract them and they walked out with item or items. Now I have seen (more times than not) that this was a lie too. However for this persons issue it does not really matter what he really intended or not. He can of course fight charges but cost to do so will exceed any fines and his sentence will most likely be more severe. Talk to a Lawyer ask about fighting charge and cost and also ask about plea options that wont stain your record
What you're not realizing, OP, is that you aren't the first to use "I forgot" as an excuse. You weren't the first person LP apprehended that day to use that excuse, and unless you're the very first case on the docket, you won't be the first one to use it the day you go to court. And 999 times out of 1000, it's a total fabrication the shoplifter used to try to get out of having to take responsibility for their crime.

Now, maybe you're the 1 in 1000 and maybe you're not. But the store had a valid reason to stop you and no reason to think you were any different from any of the other 999 shoplifters they've seen.

Your very ill-advised suit, should you be foolish enough to attempt it, will be a matter of public record. And do you really think the majority of people who half-hear about it will retain that you claimed to be an innocent victim of an abusive LP who violated your rights by refusing to take your word for the fact that the unpaid-for-merchandise in your pocket got there by accident? No, they'll remember, if they remember anything at all, that your name was associated with a shoplifting attempt.

In other words, a lawsuit against the store for sullying your good name is likely to have the opposite effect and ensure that more people than ever associate you with having shoplifted.

I forget who it was that said something on the order of, when you get mud on your coat, you can take drastic action immediately and smear it even worse, or you can wait a few days till it dries and brush it right off.
If you read the article linked in my post it should tell you what you need to know about "Accidental Shoplifting". As stated you are free to sue even free to fight charge but your chances of the outcome you desire are slim to none. You met criteria for theft in any state. By the way you will also be likely getting a letter from store law firm asking for monies in accordance to your states Civil Demand laws. This fine will be between $50.00 to $1000.00 depending on state and circumstances of event. Read more on this here Civil Recovery | |
Seriously!!! What I'm thinking is... U were already spending $140-some bucks and figured... Throw these in my pocket!!! Why not... Right!?!? but to think you were wronged and they're at fault for damaging your spotless... Hard earned record is a joke and honestly dude... U already know this.
ha!!! Forgot you put sunglasses in your pocket??? Come on???
Shoplifters use the method of buying items all the time. They can always return items they bought for cash back and keep stolen items it snot uncommon