Sexually assualted and harrassed by Housing Authority Landlord


New Member
I am a 29 yr old diabled female on housing assistance and my landlord required that I have sex with him multiple times in order to fulfill payment to him that my housing voucher would not cover, he forced me to do all kinds of sexual acts and said that no one else would accept me as a tenant and that if i wanted somewhere to live i had to do this.
I recently got a boyfriend and when my landlord popped up unannounced he saw my boyfriend and immediately got angered saying that my boyfriend can fix all the issues and that i cant move out until i give him a 1000.00 the house has mold so bad its a hazard to live in, he refuses to fix any of the floors which are currently about to fall in. I have lived here for alomst 2 years and the sexual assualts have occured throughout my being a tenant, I have a authorized representative that is helping me with this form and helps me with all my paperwork because I am unable to read or write and have a IQ of a 55
I am a 29 yr old diabled female on housing assistance and my landlord required that I have sex with him multiple times in order to fulfill payment to him that my housing voucher would not cover

I suggest you report the indignities, sexual abuse, and atrocities that someone known to you committed.

Call "911" TONIGHT, immediately after you're read my reply, and report the horrific crime committed against your person.

Don't delay, don't allow this monster to harm you or others ever again.

The police or sheriff that respond can also give you information about local and state rape crisis counselors and other emergency shelter and support.

Also report the crimes committed against you to the following agencies/organizations who exist to support and counsel victims such as yourself:

Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area. ... Calling the National Sexual Assault Hotline gives you access to a range of free services

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