Seperation difficulties

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New Member
I'm separating from my boyfriend of almost 9 years, he has not helped with house payments in 2 years or more, and now with a toddler in the house, I can not afford to keep this house on my own. I can afford an apartment for myself and my little girl and need to sell my house. His name is not on the mortgage, I had to refinance, and due to his low credit I had to do it with a cosigner, not him. He say the house isn't his anymore so he doesn't have to pay (but is ok with living here for free!) He says "good luck selling it when there is someone here being an a**hole while people are looking at the house" What .. if anything, can I do when the time comes for me to put the house up for sale, in order to have him removed while potential buyers look? So frustrated! :duel:
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