Selling Emergency Strobe lights on my Website

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New Member
Hello there,

I'm new to this and wanted to know
I've recently started my own online business on Ebay, and eventually hoping to
have a website as well. There is much to learn but where can I start looking
for whether or not it is legal or illegal to sell some items?

For example, Police Emergency Strobe lights? It looks like everyone is selling them, but I just want to make sure I don't get myself into any legal issues or problems. Any Advices? Thank you very much. :)
It is not illegal to sell them.

How the lights are used is what is important, and that is the responsibility of the buyer.

That said- some state laws may have laws restricting their sale. California does not have one that I am aware of.
Agreed - you must check out your state law regarding the sale of such vehicle lighting. I am sure some states have laws governing use. Mere sales might be fine (but on ebay you may want to state that you can't ship them to certain states if you discover a law that prevents you from selling them legally.)
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