So basically all I need to know is if I can get into legal trouble for selling a roommate's stuff to cover her share of utilities. She seems to think she shouldn't have to pay her share because she hasn't been living here, but there are costs that go into an apartment no matter how many people are living there. I just need to know what I can legally do to hold her responsible.
YOU can't sell her junk to offset her agreed upon co-pays.
You can sue her in small claims, but that is often more frustrating, because you won't get money, just a pretty piece of legal paper with a cool, embossed court seal.
Then you get to go chase her around to attach more of her junk.
She's renting a room, so it's safe to assume she's another indigent deadbeat.
Your best bet is to pay her to leave, and get the agreement in writing.
Or, you can evict her, but that takes 8-12 weeks where she'll mooch off of YOU.
Even then, all the judge will do is allow her 3-5 more days to leave, before the sheriff or marshal will throw her and her junk on the curb.
This s why roommate situations often end up with a leech or a mooch screwing one or two Felix or Felicity Fairplays.